Tuesday 18 December 2012

On... (the bookishness of) my week

I've been very irregular on the blog and miss doing random posts that aren't reviews. So I thought I'd fill you in on some (bookish) randomness!

I spent Thursday going crazy over this book clock:

@ Its Our Studio
Isn't it freakin PERFECT? 

On Friday and Saturday, I reread my favourite Melina Marchetta books ever, Saving Francesca and The Piper's Son.

I love the characters in Francesca so much. They have got to be the most amazing fictional cast ever. One minute, I'd get all teary eyed and fifty or so pages later I'd double over laughing. And there's this innocence about the characters, especially in Saving Francesca, that's so refreshing!

And it looks like there might be a Jimmy Hailler book in the works which makes me so psyched!

I spent Sunday reading Dante's Girl by Courtney Cole. It's one of those like-not-love books. My review of Dante's Girl will be up soon... so more on that later!

I didn't do much on Monday. I noticed that they are way too many books sitting in my Kindle... without being read. Some of them are:

Kissed in Paris and Sleeping with Paris by Juliette Sobanet!

Charming by Susan Kaye Lopez

Guardian by Heather Burch

Girl Unmoored by Jennifer Gooch Hummer

The Opposite of Hallelujah by Anna Jarzab

Any thoughts on what I should read next?

Today is Tuesday and I am so HAPPY because I finally decided to buy the first part of Twist Literary's Colebrook Confessions:

Eeeee. I'm 52% in and all of the drama, lies and calculation is making me giddy! I cannot wait to read more. I LOVED the ALIBI series and I'm sure this one will be brilliant too.

And also: my blogoversary came and went on the 20th of November.

It had been an insanely busy week. College had just reopened... so I wasn't in a position to post about it. But I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to throw some confetti. Because my year in blogging has been so much fun and so satisfying!

I've made some amazing friends, discovered amazing blogs and so. many. incredible books that I wouldn't have heard about otherwise! And as for everyone who's taken the time to follow my blog, read my posts and / comment, you guys are truly and insanely AMAZING (with a capital A) and never fail to make my day 

So... thank you so much! If you have been following my blog via GFC/Linky/e-mail/twitter, do comment on this post with your email address at the bottom... one commentor picked via Random Number Generator will get a surprise e-copy/paperback (: There are no other entries since this is a pretty informal giveaway!

Alright, then. That was my week. What was yours like?


  1. Congratz on your blogoversary..:)
    And that clock looks awesome.Dante's girl is also on my reading list.probably next year.
    Well, I am stuck reading Murakami's 1Q84.It's not because it's boring rather I keep moving it with me.It's because I am addicted to game & its hard to get away from it..:P
    Hope I complete 1Q84 this week only..:)

  2. Oh no worries Pooja, I understand things can get so crazy at times! I feel so bad sometimes for not commenting ad frequently. But at least you have some awesome books to keep you occupied! I can't wait to see what you think of The Opposite of Hallelujah! Happy reading! :)

  3. Melina Marcheta books seem really great! I've only heard of them and I look forward to reading them. I'm glad you liked them! The Paris books have been on my Kindle for ages as well, I'm so dying to read those! I'm sure you'll catch up your reading soon once you get in a nice routine! Happy reading, Pooja! Oh, and I LOVE that clock. :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  4. Belated congrats on your blogoversary!!! I'm so excited for more Melina books, esp about Jimmy. It sounds like you had a busy week. :D

  5. Congrats on your one year! That's awesome! I've been trying to post a lot the last couple weeks b/c exams are finally over and I can actually enjoy some more computer time. YAY!

    That clock is amazing. Seriously, I want it, and I don't even like traditional clocks. It would be more for direction anyway. haha


  6. Congrats on your blogoversary!!

    I love that book clock and I think you should read Girl Unmoored, I really liked it!

    Oh and now I want to re-read Saving Francesca!

  7. Happy belated blogoversary, Pooja! :) I completely understand when you want to take a break from the blogging cycle. I'm glad you got to revisit your favorites! I haven't read anything by Melina Marchetta, though I really want to. Everyone loves her books!


HI. Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment. :)