Friday 10 May 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #11

Feature and Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!

Q: Happy Mother’s Day! Who is your favorite mom from fiction?

Good mom characters always make a book all the more wholesome! Mrs. Weasley from the Harry Potter
series is an obvious choice and obvious for a reason! She's the backbone of the Weasley clan! I still cannot get over, "Not my daughter, you *****!"

Also, Layken's mother, Julia, in the Slammed series by Colleen Hoover is someone who awed me with her strength. I won't say much about her hurdles at the risk of spoilers but her approach to life, acceptance of things and the way she dealt with the cards life presented her with was so inspiring. When Will and Lake had problems in the second part of the series, she was wisdom-in-a-vase! This woman is phenomenal!

I also thought Mia in Saving Francesca made as much of an impact on the reader as everyone she probably met and interacted with in the book. When Francesca thinks When I grow up, I'm going to be my mother I found myself nodding along (And tearing up. A little.).

Which fictional mom would you like to pay tribute to?

While I'm on GFC, Linky and can be followed by email, I'd prefer it if you could follow me on Facebook (Link to my page) since my Page is brand new ;)


  1. That quote from Mrs. Weasley really is great. I think she's the best mom character in fiction. Honestly, I can't think of that many great moms...they seem absent in a lot of YA and in adult fiction, you don't always get other family than the most immediate couples, etc.

    1. I know it's such a cliche when moms/dads are absent/not in the picture in YA!

  2. Thanks for stopping by :D Cannot wait to check out your blog as well! Great to meet you (:

  3. Hey Amber! Hopping over to your blog :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. That one phrase she said still sticks with me... that's a momma right come near her child with evil intent and see what happens=)

    Thanks for Stopping by earlier=)

    Bethany @ Bythebookful

    1. Haha I know! Such a badass moment! Thanks for stopping by, Bethany :)

  5. Yeah, Ms. Weasley is great :)

  6. I love your choices!

    Julianna Smith

    1. Thanks for stopping by the blog, Julianna (:

  7. Well done! Great selection!

    I've followed you via GFC and also liked your Facebook page!
    My FF is here

    1. Thanks! Checking out your FF post now :)

  8. I thought of Mrs. Weasley, too. :) I can't wait to read the Slammed trilogy! , I bought the first book, have the second from Netgalley, and requested the third from Netgalley, too. :)

    New follower by GFC and email :D I also was a psych student - I graduated back in 2005 with my B.A. (I feel so old now, lol. I'm about to turn 32 in July) >.<
    My FF Jennifer @ Donnie Darko Girl

    1. Slammed is an amaazing book! I'm sure you'll love it :D Can't wait for you to read the series! :D Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer! Great to meet you (:

  9. Yeah! Moms are such a rarity in YA. I admired Tris's mom too. Four's mom was another story *shudder* :O You must read Slammed, Heidi! I know you'll love it! It's amazing :)

  10. I completely agree with you about Mrs. Weasley! She is my favorite book mom, too! So very awesome. I wish I could be half as good when it comes to parenting!
    And I really REAlly need to read Slammed already.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I KNOW! Seven kids is no joke. Mrs. Weasley is the best :D Slammed is an amazing book! Hope you do read it, Maja :)

  11. I really loved Mia too! I would love to visit The Burrow. :D


HI. Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment. :)