Tuesday 4 June 2013

Summer Readin' Pick #1: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

© On Books!
The best way to beat the heat: curling up with a laid back summer read! My picks for the summer are usually cutesy and a little predictable but this year I also got to catch up with some really wholesome and entertaining books that have been in my to-read list since forever! I figured I'd do a separate post for each of the books I loved reading this summer and that's where my new feature, Summer Readin'! comes in.

Publication date: 14th April 2011
Publisher: Dutton Adult
Stars: 5/5
Source: Bought
My first pick: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell which I read after Eleanor & Park by the same author. Given that Attachments is centered around a whole different demographic and had the whole rom-com movie vibe, it couldn't be more different from Eleanor & Park. I didn't think it would be possible but here's the thing- I loved it even more than E&P

The protagonist, Lincoln, has way too many college degrees but hasn't really gotten anywhere with it. He's still living with his mom, nursing a heartbreak and hasn't a real clue about how to move forward. And what more, he gets a job in a newspaper office where he gets paid to monitor people's work email and in the process, falls for Beth whom he hasn't even seen before. All he knows about her are from the emails he reads that land in his security filter; banter between Beth and her best friend Jennifer that's far from work-related. 

Set when the whole Y2K speculation was happening with the cutest movie and pop culture references, I adored this book. I loved that Beth was a movie reviewer by profession and was someone you'd want to be friends with. I could see why Lincoln was instantly attracted to her- just by reading her email. She's the kind of witty entertaining character with real quirks that's usually the fun sidekick, so I really really liked that she was the girl Lincoln fell for! There's even this part when she says she sounds soo much better on paper than in person and I could totally relate to that!

As for Lincoln, he was a steadfast, solid person I would've rooted for right in the beginning. We were privy of almost every aspect of his world- from his mom who means well but is probably too overprotective, his sister and his Dungeons and Dragons friends. When he wrangled with the ethics and dilemma he faced over reading someone else's email (even if that was his job), it was completely realistic. What I loved most was that we also got to see him through Beth's eyes in her emails! And it's funny how a fresh perspective can really bring out characteristics that you take for granted in someone.

Another thing about the book that had me positively squealing was that it handled the concept of love BEFORE first sight in the most believable and breathtaking way! Even the most unromantic person is bound to be taken in by the heart stopping sweetness of the way they fall for each other. 

Attachments was fresh, funny, smart and incredibly gripping! I adored this book from start to finish. I loved how it was wholesome yet light at the same time and grounded yet swoony! It had the elements that are present in practically every rom-com movie I'm crazy about. And at the end of it, I think that's what Attachments felt like to me: a rom-com with the depth and breadth of a book!


  1. Oh I love this new feature you have planned Pooja. I can't wait to get started on my Summer reads! Unfortunately I didn't click that well with Eleanor and Park, but Attachments definitely sounds like my sort of book. Lovely review Pooja! :)

    1. Yeah, Attachments gives off a totally different vibe so maybe you'll like it :)

  2. You're the second person whose list I've seen this on...AND you had me at funny :)

  3. "love before first sight" has me curious as does Lincoln. Great review!

    1. Yeah Love before first sight is still unique (it's not as worn down as love triangles and insta love at least) as far as premises go and I loved the way it was dealt with!

  4. Love the new feature idea! And Attachments... I WANT!!! Gah, I have to get the pending reviews over soon and get started on this!

  5. YAYYY I'm glad you liked this! I've been meaning to re-read it. It's my fav Rainbow book. Loved the concept of love before first sight + the characters as well. <3

    1. YES. The characters! <3333 I want to reread it in the near future as well!!

  6. I... haven't read anything by Rainbow Rowell yet. AH I KNOW WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE? I'm heard only the absolute best things about all of her books. I just haven't gotten around to them! And they all sound so good... It sounds like her characters are fantastic. What a start to your summer reading, Pooja! Wonderful review!

    1. Sophia... You must! Her books are absolutely brilliant!!!

  7. What an unusual premise, Pooja! I love the sound of falling for someone just by reading their writing. I haven't read Eleanor & Park yet, but I have a copy. I must pick it up soon. Great review. :)

    1. Yay looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it when you've picked it up! :D

  8. I just know you'll love it Heidi :D

  9. I read my first Rowell back a few weeks ago (Fangirl), and unfortunately I didn't really enjoy it. I'm still willing to give this a go, though, as it sounds more like my kind of book! Lovely review and great feature idea. :)

    1. I haven't read Fangirl yet- but yeah Attachments was amazing! Thanks for stopping by my blog, Renu :)

  10. Ooh, I have this! Your post makes me want to bump it to the top of my reading list :)

    1. Yes yes yes. Hope you like it as much as I did :D


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