Friday 27 September 2013

On my Reading Nook(s)! (Feature and Follow Friday #13)

Feature and Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!

Q: Activity: Reading Nook Tour!

My reading spot, I've come to realise, is... EVERYWHERE.

Reading itself puts me into this state of equilibrium amid the madness that is life and reading ANYWHERE instantaneously transports me into another world.

At the dinner table *cue disapproving looks from everybody else*
But what the heck! Must. Finish. Chapter.

In the bus!

Near my desktop, when I'm listening to music and stuff.

When I'm pacing around restlessly... before college or when I'm waiting for a friend.

Reading in bed. Doesn't get more comfy than that ;)

What's your reading nook like? 


While I'm on GFC, Linky and can be followed by email, I'd prefer it if you could follow me on Facebook (Facebook Page) since my Page is brand new ;) Or you can also:

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. I definitely read on the bus and train. I also love reading in bed. Now followingg you via Bloglovin'
    Check out MY F&F

    1. following* and I'm following you on Facebook Here's my link. Like me back? (I liked you from my personal page, Jazmen)

    2. Done! Thanks for stopping by, Jazmen! :D

  2. I totally agree, Heidi :) There's no leaving your book at home with the Kindle app for iOS/Android :D I love it 'cause there are usually times when I think, "If only I had taken my book with me..." and now unless I've left my phone behind, I always have something to read!

  3. I always used to read at the table and my parents would be like stop it cant you even put it down to read. I stare at them...NO...back to reading lol
    here is mine:

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Cait :) And I know, books in the dining room = worst form of snobbery according to my mom ;_;

  4. I actually don't like reading in bed for the most part. I can't find a comfortable position where I can still read and be relaxed. LOL I like reading in the pool during the summer, and when the weather is cooler, I'll sit on my front porch. I used to read all the time in the hallways on campus. ahah



HI. Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment. :)