Sunday 8 July 2012

Sunday Post #6 and why I've been MIA

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!
~ Inspired by the meme In My Mailbox.~
It's a chance to share news.
A post to recap the past week,
showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I've been MIA for the past week... mainly because this week has been a bit of a blur with college, assignments and my internship. It might take a while before I can settle down and get back to my usual blogging schedule.

I do find time to read and just finished reading Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein which was fabulous. I could not stop thinking about it for days. My review should be up soon!

My week(s) in review

It's been a while since my last Sunday Post. I'm sharing five of my fave posts since then!

© On books!
Guest post by Justin Ordonez on Sykosa, Part II

Review: Lies Beneath (Lies Beneath #1) by Anne Greenwood Brown

Review: ALIBI Vol. I-IV: The Complete Series by Annie Miles, Isabel Eckersley, John Byrne, Sorrel Provola

I never thought I'd say this but...: On E-books versus paperbacks

Review: Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu (Novel Publicity Whirlwind tour stop)

I am currently reading

I have started reading Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry. I've just read two pages so far and the first line definitely succeeded in holding my attention:

"My father is a control freak, I hate my stepmother, my brother is dead and my mother has...well...issues. How do you think I'm doing?"

And here's my book haul for the week


Psych Major Syndrome by Alicia Thompson * Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta

Since I'm a psychology student, Psych Major Syndrome sounds absolutely amazing! It sounds like a really cute read! I also finally purchased a used copy of Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta which is my favourite book of all time!

And I finally got a Kindle! It's the basic Kindle and it is definitely easy on the eyes. I ❤ e-ink!

There was also a sale at my favourite bookstore... I won't be reviewing these but I can't wait to read them:

I've been wanting to read The Sense of an Ending for quite a while. I've also wanted to read a book by Georgette Heyer for the longest time but never got around to it. Same goes for The Upside of Irrationality... I am fascinated by Daniel Ariely's work on irrationality!

For review

Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill * The Jelly Bean Crisis by Jolene Stockman

Meant to Be sounds adorable! I was so excited to get it! I got The Jelly Bean Crisis for a blog tour by AToMR. Don't you love the cover?

What are you currently reading? And what books did you get this week?


  1. I've missed your posts, Ajoop but I hope you're coping with college and assignments! I've heard a lot of good things about Melina Marchetta's books so I hope you enjoy it and I'm so jealous you got Meant to Be! And you're reading Pushing the Limits? So am I!!! And I totally agree with you on the first line - what a way to open a book, huh?

    Thanks for sharing this great post, Ajoop <3

  2. Wow, Ajoop! You got so many awesome books recently! Saving Francesca is a recent addition to my favourites list and I still need to buy my own copy of that. And I can't wait to see what you make of Meant To Be. It sounds like a good read! I hope you enjoy all of these. :)

  3. The Jelly Bean Crisis is a really cute cover!!!

    Nice to see you back, by the way. Sometimes life outside the blog world gets crazy. It's all good. :)

    I really want to read Code Name Verity, so I'm curious to see your review. And Pushing the Limits sounds great....wonderful first line!


  4. I love my Kindle, I can't remember how I lived without it! :-)

  5. The Jelly Bean Crisis looks so cute!! And the book Pushing The Limits totally got me hooked, I'll have to add that to my to-read list! LOL :D

  6. YAY!!! I'm so excited for your review of Code Name Verity, definitely my favourite book this year so far. I'm reading Pushing the Limits too! Even though the secondary characters are frustrating, I can see why people are into it. Happy reading. :)

  7. Oh you're reading Pushing the Limits! I loved that story. Hope you do too. Saving Francesca was so hilarious and wonderful! Yay for getting a Kindle. I have the basic one too, I think that works just fine! I'm excited for Meant to Be, hopefully it won't disappoint. Nice haul Ajoop! :)

  8. Psych Major Syndrome sounds like a good read, and the reviews on GOodReads are great.

    I love my Nook, which has e-ink, also. It's easy on the eyes and sort of like reading directly from the a book.

  9. New to your blog. I finished Pushing the Limits this week too! It was awesome!

    Check out my Sunday Post.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  10. Awww, that's okay, Ajoop! It's just so nice to see you once in a while and I'm really glad to know you didn't just drop off the face of the earth or anything LOL ;) I can't wait to read all of your catch up reviews, especially for Pushing the Limits! I think that EVERYONE has fallen in love with that book so far, and I don't think you'll be the exception (hopefully!) x)

    Awesome Sunday post, Ajoop! I hope you have a wonderful reading week <3 :)

  11. Yay! Saving Francesca! How I adore Melina Marchetta's books! AND PUSHING THE LIMITS! I read this recently and really loved it. Noah and Echo's chemistry was AMAZING!

    Fantastic Sunday post, Ajoop! ♥ Good luck with college! :)

  12. ohh, I have Pushing the Limits on the way for review too and I can't wait to get my hands on it, especially after all the amazing things I've read. I hope you'll go back to your usual schedule soon, it was a busy period for me too.
    Happy reading!


HI. Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment. :)