Tuesday 8 May 2012

Intangible by J. Meyers: Review, author interview and giveaway!

Hello everybody! I'm happy to be able to, along with posting my review of Intangible by J. Meyers, a book that I loved to bits and hope you will too, also have her here on my blog for an author interview! J has also been generous enough to donate an ecopy of Intangible for a giveaway on my blog! Don't forget to stick with me till the very end of this post to enter the giveaway :-)

 From goodreads

Twins Sera and Luke Raine have a well-kept secret—she heals with a touch of her hand, he sees the future. All their lives they’ve helped those in need on the sly. They’ve always thought of their abilities as being a gift.

Then Luke has a vision that Sera is killed. That gift they’ve always cherished begins to feel an awful lot like a curse. Because the thing about Luke’s ability? He’s always right. And he can’t do anything about it.


Intangible cuts right to the chase: it opens with Luke having a vision in which Sera, his twin sister, is killed. Luke's visions have never been false and he's never been able to change them, as much as he has tried to. But since it is Sera, his twin sister, he has to try. There is a prophecy, there are vampires and we are introduced to a boy controlled by The Shadows. There is much more to Luke's vision, much more to his and Sera's lives, than he could ever imagine.

Intangible was the kind of book that slowly crept up on me and before I knew it, I was hooked. It took me a while to get acquainted with Luke and Sera. They kept their powers a secret from the rest of the world and used them responsibly (except for instance when Sera, in a fit of rage, succumbs to pettiness). They shared a strong bond and I liked how well they got along. It was obvious that they depended on each other and they shared a pleasant and easy going relationship that brought a smile to my face.

The other Gifteds also fascinated me. Marc's conflict and situation disturbed me. It was so sad to watch him get caught in the crossfire. I totally understood his anger towards the end of the book. I couldn't help wondering what Quinn was throughout and hope we'll see more of him in the second part of the series. 

But more than anything, I loved the Realm and the creatures of the Realm. I enjoyed meeting the different kinds of vampires, Light Elves and Dark Elves. I loved the sheer variety and how they weren't cardboard cut-out versions from every other paranormal story. They were well crafted and original. Among the vampires, Jonas was such a well developed character. He had carved his own path for himself and was extremely unpredictable. I also liked what I learned about the Light Elves and would love to learn more about them and their lore in the future books.

The story is told through varying perspectives and for once, that didn't really bother me. It was the perfect way to tell this story as so much was going on! The different perspectives made it possible to get a full picture of what was going on as the plot thickened.

At the end of the book, a lot was revealed and yet, it is just the beginning and I'm so glad! I cannot wait to meet these characters again and learn even more about them! The way it ended made me love this book all the more. It has got to be one of my favourite endings! We were introduced to a host of new characters who charmed me right away. 

Intangible is a thoroughly engaging and original novel that I'm sure you will enjoy reading! I cannot wait to see where this series is headed. I will definitely be on the lookout for the release of the next book of the series!

Publication date: 31st January, 2012
Source: A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars


Hello J and welcome to my blog! It’s so great to have you here! Tell us a bit about yourself and what made you start writing.

Hey, Ajoop! Thanks so much for having me—I’m happy to be here. I actually hated writing when I was in high school and college. HATED it. With a passion. Went out of my way to not take a writing class. EVER. I’d always loved words, word play, and reading, but never writing. Then a couple of years out of college I started freelancing at a small educational text production house (we made the text books for the big boys). I think I got the job because I was very familiar with Microsoft Word, in all honesty. I started with simply inputting changes to manuscript. Bit by bit I moved up to proofreading, then copy editing, and then eventually writing. It kinda snuck up on me, the writing did. I got to the point where what I was doing was all writing. And I really enjoyed it. I eventually co-authored a couple of parenting books and then decided to take the leap into fiction. (It was a *really* good leap!)

Could you describe the crux of Intangible in one sentence?
Twins Sera and Luke must figure out how to change the future to save Sera’s life.

How did you come up with the premise of Intangible?
My original idea was for a girl who could heal with a touch of her hand. But as I thought about it, I wanted it to be a book that my boys would enjoy reading when they’re old enough, so I gave her a twin brother who could see the future. The healer premise was inspired by Reiki, an alternative hands-on healing method. And the gifted teens all over the world was inspired by comic book superheroes. :-)

Vampires versus Light Elves versus Dark Elves. Who would you pick?
Light Elves, without a doubt. (But I would hope they’d spare Jonas because he’s helped them. And because I love him.) 

(Aww! )

If you could be one of the Gifteds, what would you want your ability to be?
I’d want to be a healer like Sera. There are people close to me that could use that kind of power to save their lives right now. I wish I could do that.

Which book would you say changed your life? What are you reading at the moment?
The Oxford English Dictionary. My husband gave it to me one Christmas when we were dating, and proposed to me by circling the words will, you, marry, and me. (I’ve always loved the OED. Even more so after that.) ;-) At the moment, I’m reading ReVamped by Ada Adams.

That is such a sweet story! :,) Who is your favourite fictional character of all time?
Calvin from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip by Bill Watterson. I LOVE Calvin!

The ending of Intangible left us with a lot of possibilities as to where the next book of the series was headed. What’s in store for Luke and Sera?
They’re going to spend some more time in the Realm and meet more Gifteds. Luke and Fey get closer. It’s life or death again, of course. Other than that, I can’t tell you. I’m working on it right now and things may change from how I think it’ll be now to how it ends up being in the end. :-)

Thank you so much for answering my questions, J :) Do you have anything else to tell your readers?
Please come visit me online! I’ve really loved meeting people from all over who I’d never have met otherwise. It’s a wonderful thing. Links to find me on Twitter and Facebook are on my site, or you can just chat with me there via my blog or email: www.jmeyersbooks.com.

Thank YOU, Ajoop! It’s been a real pleasure.

  • International giveaway
  • You have 48 hours to respond before I pick another winner
  • Giveaway open till 17/05/12
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The book sounds good..love to win it!

  2. I've seen this book around, and it sounds fabulous. :)
    Your review just makes me want to read it even more. :)
    Great interview.

    Thanks for the giveaway :D

  3. Damn, this sounds SO good I can't wait to get to read this one. If I would win this I think I would read in one day as I wouldn't be able to think and do anything else... :D

  4. Great review and interview! Thank you for the giveaway.
    I am waiting for Revamped by Ada Adams to come in the mail too.
    I have seen this series around on diff sites and it always interests me.
    Have a gr8 day :)
    My W*0*W

  5. Awww is right, Ajoop! Not only does J. Meyers sound like such a sweet author, but this book is sounding sweeter and more awesome every time I hear more about it! :) I love how it focuses more on sibling relationships than romance -- that's actually SO refreshing. And the whole paranormal vampire thing sounds so different from all other paranormal vampires I've read too! I mean, Dark Elves and Light Elves? If you were next to me right now, you'd be able to see me smiling! x)

    Amazing interview and review, Ajoop! And I wish my future husband would propose to me in a bookishly romantic way like J's did -- that was seriously adorable! :') <3

  6. OH. EM. GII. I LOVE the part that her husband proposed him with an Oxford English Dictionary! That's just so cute and lovely and romantic! Major AWW! It sounds like a story from a movie LOL! Of course it changes someone's life! <3 Such a lovely interview!! And I think I love this book simply because there are twins inside! x)

    Fantastic review, Ajoop! A book that you love to bits and pieces? Sounds like my wishlist! x) Thank you for hosting the amazing giveaway! <3

  7. This sounds interesting and what a great review! What a romantic proposition!

    My latest post: From the Review Pile (1)

  8. Great review! I also got the book, and I'm dying to get started on it. In fact, I started to read the first few chapters and it was so good! :) Can't wait, can't wait! <3

  9. I've had this on my wish-list for a while :)

    I love the interview!

  10. thank you so much! I never win anything so this rocks!!

  11. Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway! :) And congrats, Fran! Hope you enjoy reading Intangible as much as I did :D


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