Sunday 20 May 2012

Sunday Post #3

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!
~ Inspired by the meme In My Mailbox.~
It's a chance to share news.
A post to recap the past week,
showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I couldn't make a Sunday Post last week... so this week's Sunday Post is for the last two weeks. It's been a pretty good week for me! Aside from being able to read a book a day, I finally got to watch The Avengers which was AMAZING. Especially the second half and The Hulk!!

My week(s) in review

Review: The Unbearable Book Club for Unsinkable Girls by Julie Schumacher
Review: Intangible by J. Meyers + author interview and giveaway (closed)
Review: The Hunt (The Hunt #1) by Andrew Fukuda
Review: Arranged by Catherine McKenzie
Review: Jersey Angel by Beth Ann Bauman

I am currently reading

The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry
This is so... refreshing and I love it! I guess I love that this is very different from what I usually read. The goodreads summary says it's for fans of steam punk, fantasy and romance. I'm a total newbie to the steam punk genre and I've leaned more towards paranormal romances than urban fantasy.

Journey, there is always a beginning by Munaf Shaikh
Won this in a Goodreads First Reads giveaway. Just got started on this!

And here's my book haul for the week

For review

ALIBI: Volumes I-IV: The Complete Series by Annie Miles (Author), John Byrne, Isabel Eckersley, Sorrel Provola, Twist Literary (Editor) * Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu * Statue of Ku by Tricia Stewart Shiu

Thank you so much, Twist Literary, for ALIBI: Volumes I-IV! It sounds very Pretty Little Liars-esque and I cannot wait to read it! I got Moa and Statue of Ku for a Novel Publicity Whirlwind Tour. Both the books in the series sound amazing!


Torn by Amanda Hocking * iBoy by Kevin Brooks

Got shiny paperback copies of both! But I'm in my grandmother's place so don't have them with me to take pictures. I'm happy to be able to finally read Torn! I heard it's even better than Switched!

My brother bought iBoy and it sounds like a lot of fun. It's about a boy getting superpowers after shattered fragments of an iPhone are embedded in his brain!

And the giveaway winners

Winner of my 100 followers giveaway: Colleen. B
Winner of the Intangible e-giveaway: Fran. C

Congratulations Colleen and Fran and thanks to everyone to took the time to enter both or either of the giveaways! :)

What are you currently reading? And what books did you get this week?


  1. Alibi seems really interesting although I've never heard of it before today.
    Seems like you had a great week ! :)

    Happy reading, Pooja ! :)

  2. Oh and you're so dang lucky to watch Avengers. I swear cinemas in Mauritius are so lame. We still haven't gotten The Hunger Games. >.<
    I'm just going to have to wait for the DVD to come out.

  3. Oh, I haven't watched The Avengers yet. I'm hoping to watch it next week! :) I'm going to look forward for your review of Alibi! Torn is supposed to be amazing read, I heard it is even more amazing than the first book. I really need to read Swiched, hopefully I can do during in the summer break later! x)

    Happy reading, and enjoy your books, Maja! :)

  4. Wow awesome week in reviews..all great books. I am reviewing Alibi in July and you are right they sound awesome. I loved the Trylle trilogy and hope you do too! Thanks so much for taking part in The Sunday Post

  5. I need to get Torn! I liked Switched and am so curious to see where Hocking goes with all this! Enjoy it!

  6. THE AVENGERS, OH MY GOSH. I just watched that movie the second time around last night and I still thought it was epically amazing!!! My favourite part was when The Hulk bashed around Loki after he made that silly speech. It gets me every time :') And Torn IS better than Switched -- so much better!! It just about tore my heart out, and I can't wait to get my hands on Ascend too! Plus, those covers for the Trylle Trilogy are so sweetly gorgeous :)

    Amazing Sunday post this week, Ajoop! I hope you enjoy all of your beautiful books and have a fantastic weekend! :) <3

  7. The Avengers was AWESOME!! I loved The Hulk too. That was my FAAVE show as a little kid. (now I really went and dated myself huh?)
    U got some gr8 reads this week.
    My pal sent me The Peculiars, my cover looks diff than the one pictured here. I like yours better. Mine is a bit more laid back.
    I am gonna check out a few of your reviews for the last week.
    Thanx again for the giveaway. I got my copy a few days back :)

  8. Awesome haul! Looks like you have some wonderful reading in your future! :)

    Thanks for sharing,

  9. Great haul, Alibi does sound really interesting, esp if it's anything like PLL!

  10. Alibi sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy your books! Thanks for stopping by :)

  11. I haven't heard of these but I'm going to check them out.

  12. I'm currently reading The Peculiars and I really like it so far! After reading so many bad reviews of it I didn't expect that much, but so far it's been quite good.

    Thanks for stopping by at my blog! (:

  13. I'm jealous. I want to read The Peculiars.

    Here is my weekly round up
    Lauren at Northern Plunder

  14. Wow--there's a lot that's been going on your blog lately! I'm jealous, aha. I've been so lazy lately. Summer is so close, I can taste it! Anyway. You got some awesome books this week. I hope you enjoy all your books, Ajoop! <3 Happy reading!


HI. Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment. :)