Saturday 26 May 2012

Pretty Amy blog tour stop: Interview with Lisa Burstein

Amy is fine living in the shadows of beautiful Lila and uber-cool Cassie, because at least she’s somewhat beautiful and uber-cool by association. But when their dates stand them up for prom, and the girls take matters into their own hands—earning them a night in jail outfitted in satin, stilettos, and Spanx—Amy discovers even a prom spent in handcuffs might be better than the humiliating “rehabilitation techniques” now filling up her summer. Worse, with Lila and Cassie parentally banned, Amy feels like she has nothing—like she is nothing.

Navigating unlikely alliances with her new coworker, two very different boys, and possibly even her parents, Amy struggles to decide if it’s worth being a best friend when it makes you a public enemy. Bringing readers along on an often hilarious and heartwarming journey, Amy finds that maybe getting a life only happens once you think your life is over.

8th May, 2012  Entangled Publishing 

Click on the image to check out the rest of the super awesome Pretty Amy blog tour stops!

I'm thrilled to be a part of the Pretty Amy blog tour! Pretty Amy was out on 8th May and has already been making waves. I am super lucky to have Lisa Burstein, author of Pretty Amy, on my blog today to answer a couple of questions about her book and why she writes Young Adult fiction!

Hello Lisa! It’s so great to have you on my blog, on books! Tell us a bit about yourself and what you like most about writing contemporary Young Adult fiction!

Pretty Amy is my first novel. I like writing contemporary YA fiction because it allows me to get out all the things I couldn't get out when I was in high school. Kind of like a diary time machine.

Can you give us a quote from the book that brings out what it is all about?
I am one of the legions of middle-class white girls who search malls for jeans that make them look thinner, who search drugstores for makeup to wear as a second skin, who are as sexy and exotic as blueberry muffins.

What was high school like for you?

It was not easy for me. I had friends, but I was depressed and tended to feel lonely even when they were around. I think this is another reason I write YA, I am attempting to figure these feelings out.

If you could tell your high school self one thing, what would it be? 

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Do you have a favourite moment from writing Pretty Amy? Tell us about it! 

Probably just all the funny, snarky lines she has. She has a lot. :)

Do you have that one book that inspired you to write? Which book was it for you? 

A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

If Pretty Amy could have a theme song, what would it be? 

Criminal by Fiona Apple.

What are you reading at the moment? What’s your favourite summer read of 2012? 

The best book I have read recently is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

What are you working on post-Pretty Amy? How different is it from Pretty Amy?

I am working on a companion novel about her best friend Cassie, titled Dear Cassie. It will be out next March. It is told as diary entries and Cassie has quite a sense of humor, so it has been fun.

Thank you so much for answering my questions, Lisa J Do you have anything else to tell your readers? 

Just that I hope they enjoy reading Pretty Amy as much as I enjoyed writing it.

About the author

Lisa Burstein is a tea seller by day and a writer by night. She received her MFA in Fiction from the Inland Northwest Center for Writers at Eastern Washington University and is glad to finally have it be worth more than the paper it was printed on. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her very patient husband, a neurotic dog and two cats. Pretty Amy is her first novel. She never went to her senior prom. 

Find Lisa on:


  1. I've been intrigued by Pretty Amy and I actually want to get a copy for myself. It seems very interesting. :)
    Great interview, Pooja.

  2. Hah, I loved the diary time machine comment! I'm super excited about this tour. I've read a review just yesterday and relized that the story isn't fluffy like I originally thought so I'm definitely interested to learn more and read it as soon as I can.
    Wonderful interview!

  3. Great interview! I love that Fiona Apple song. Also, can't wait to hear more about Dear Cassie! :)

  4. Love the interview! You ask many amazing questions, Ajoop, with equally wonderful answers in return! x) Pretty Amy sounds like the book that would remind me of high school - hopefully it would also bring happy memories of friendship I had in my high school years! Plus, with a pretty cover to accompany it, how can't I resist the lure? x)

    This interview makes me really want to get my hands on Pretty Amy! :)

  5. LOL I love how you said it's like a diary time machine -- I think that's the same reason a lot of people like to read YA too! x) (That, and the fact that YA is where all the awesomeness is.) And my theory is that if you enjoy writing a book, then your readers will enjoy reading it as well! That makes sense, right? I think so!

    Love this interview, Ajoop! With all the buzz that this book has been getting around the blogosphere, how could I NOT want to read it? Snarky Amy sounds like the character for me! ;) <3

  6. Lovely interview! :D I've heard really good things about Pretty Amy, so I'll probably have to check it out soon. I love the quote that Lisa shared! As sexy as blueberry muffins, hahah. :D

  7. I love this line "sexy and exotic as blueberry muffins" haha! This is a fantastic interview, I love the questions you asked and the answers. :)

  8. Wonderful interview Ajoop! I also have Lisa stopping by tomorrow! I really enjoyed Pretty Amy! I can't wait to get my hands on the companion from Cassie's point of view! :)


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