Thursday 31 May 2012

Review: The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

from goodreads

Being the good girl isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Ashton Gray has grown weary of playing the part to please her parents, and to be worthy of the town’s prince charming, Sawyer Vincent. Maybe that’s why she’s found herself spending time with Sawyer’s cousin, Beau, while he’s away for the summer camping with his family. Beau is nothing like her perfect boyfriend. He’s the sexiest guy she’s ever seen, dangerous in ways she’s only day dreamed about, and the one guy she should stay away from.

Beau never envied Sawyer his loving parents, his big nice home, or his position as quarterback. He loves him like a brother. Which is why he's tried everything in his power to keep his distance from Sawyer’s girlfriend. Even if he has loved her since the age of five, Ashton is Sawyer’s girl, so therefore she’s off limits. But when Sawyer leaves for the summer, Ashton, the one girl Beau would move Heaven and Earth for, decides she wants to get into trouble. Stabbing the one person who’s always accepted him and stood by him in the back, is the cost of finally holding Ashton Gray in his arms. Is she worth losing his cousin over?.... Hell Yeah.


With the fluorescent green cover font, unbelievably hot boys and events that unfold over the summer, The Vincent Boys screams GUILTY PLEASURE. I cannot say this book changed my life but luckily I don't think that was the intended purpose of the book either! It was a fun summer read and I enjoyed reading about Ashton coming out of her shell and coming away from her years of practised perfection.

The Vincent Boys takes place the summer Sawyer, Ashton's boyfriend, is away camping with his family. Ashton spends the summer hanging out with Beau, Sawyer's cousin and the town's resident bad boy. Ashton and Beau used to be friends and partners in crime but then Ashton grew up into Sawyer's perfect girlfriend and things changed. But now, as she spends more and more time with Beau, she loosens up more and her feelings for Beau threaten to ruin everything she's ever had with Sawyer and make her and Beau the talk of the town.

The breezy writing style drew me into the story and there were many one liners that had me laughing. It was a nice and quick read and I enjoyed the small town setting! Both of the Vincent boys had me swooning and I definitely enjoyed getting to meet both of them! Since they were the highlight of the book, here's what I loved about both of them...


"Girl, there ain't a boy in this town who can hold a candle to Beau with his shirt off." 

And I'm sure that's true!!! Beau had me swooning right from the beginning! I loved that apart from his bad boy charm, he was kind and considerate and so protective of Ashton! A good part of the story was told in Beau's point of view and the depth of his feelings for her made me root for him! I also liked how despite everyone in town saying he was trouble with a capital T, beneath his reputation, there was no doubt that he was a good guy. He liked Ashton for what she was and not what she pretended to be and I loved how he was there for Ashton when she needed him the most!

Beau had been my friend since he'd pulled my hair on the playground and I in return grabbed his hand and twisted his arm behind his back. After the preschool teacher corrected us both and threatened to call our parents Beau had looked over at me and asked, "Want to sit by me and my cousin at lunch?"


Honestly, I didn't think I'd like Sawyer. He was good looking, sweet and well, you know, nice and everything. He doted on Ashton and had their whole future planned. But towards the end of the book, I warmed up to him. He wasn't that perfect either and somehow his flaws only made him seem sweeter in a you-make-me-weak-in-the-knees way. I guess that's because it made him more real and approachable.

"I love you. I know the real you too. You think I don't but how easily you forget I was the one who bailed you out of trouble over and over again as kids. I didn't ask the perfect Ashton to be my girlfriend when I was fourteen years old. I asked the only Ash I'd ever known..." [Sawyer]

The Vincent Boys is the perfect summer read. There were a few typos and one or two dialogues that almost sounded like monologues but it's easy to ignore them while reading this witty, fun and light book that's heavy on southern charm. I was left feeling light headed and with a huge smile on my face!

Publication date: 12th October, 2011
Source: Bought (Kindle edition)

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


  1. Gah I've had this book for ages but never had the chance to pick it up! It definitely sounds like a fun summer read and I love the quotes! Fab review Ajoop! :)

  2. :) This sounds like a fun summer read! Wonderful review!
    I would love to read this book to have a chance to meet Beau!

  3. Aw, this book does seem like a fun summer read! I like that a part of it was told in Beau's POV, it's always interesting to see both sides of the story. Also, I love that Sawyer's flaws made him even better! Fantastic review. :)

  4. This was definitely a guilty pleasure for me too! Beau made me swoon countless times. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this! ;) Great review. :)

  5. It sounds like a very cute read. I've seen it around but I never bothered to pick it up. I'm not sure whether I'll enjoy it or not, but I'm going to give it a try ! :D
    Plus, Beau seems like a hottie :P

  6. Aw, this sounds like an adorable read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed Sawyer's quote. Too adorable. I want a boy like that. ;-)

    I like that the love-triangle are cousins...makes it a bit more unique!


  7. I WANT TO MEET THE VINCENT BOYS! This book sounds like a blast and so absolutely Mimi that I don't think I'll even care about the typos and monologues that much. You probably already know about my weakness for those bad boys like Beau (Oh gosh, he sounds hot!). And a guilty pleasure? You've got to love those! ;)

    Amazing review, Ajoop! I can't wait to pick this one up this summer so I can smile my cheeks off and swoon over Beau with you -- it sounds like the perfect beach book! :') <3

  8. Great review, Ajoop! I have had this on my Kindle forever and I can't wait to read it. I like that the brothers have different personalities

  9. Ajoop, so glad you enjoyed this one! Yay, shirtless Beau! How can you resist?!! I agree it was a perfect summer light read. So much fun with two hot boys. I can't wait for The
    Vincent Brothers! I think it's out this Tuesday June 5th. I'll have to check. Excellent review. :)

  10. Ohh, you used ALL the magic words in this review, Ajoop: perfect summer read, hot boys, shirt off, swooning... how could a girl say no? I've read a few very good reviews of this and I think I might just give it a try on the beach one day. Why not?
    Excellent review!

  11. Woo, I'm 100% for swoon-worthy guys! However, I read Abbi Gline's Existence and could barely get through it. I've heard really fabulous things about this book, but I still don't think I want to give it a try. Yeah--Existence was just REALLY bad for me. However, I'm glad this one is fun and light! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ajoop! I always love light books with huge doses of romance. ;) Fabulous review, Ajoop!

  12. I had read one of Glines other books and was honestly kind of turned off to read any of her other books. However, I keep hearing great things about this book and have a copy of it that I need to read. I need to see what all the fuss about Beau is about! Glad ya enjoyed.

  13. @Jasprit Yup, it's the perfect summer read! Very light and fun! :)

    @Rachel Beau is a great reason to read TVB! *sighs dreamily* :D

    @Elena It was great to read Beau's POV as well! And yeah, Sawyer was a surprise xD

    @Sam haha, yeah Beau was sa-woon! xD

    @Nick Beau a total hottie! Not sure if you'll love it but it's a fun summer read xD

    @Lauren I loved that Sawyer quote too :D and yeah, it was a unique love triangle... I'm not a great fan of love triangles but this one worked :D

    @Heidi so great that you bought it! YAY! It's a fun summer read and at .99, it's pretty awesome xD I hope you like Beau as much as I did!

    @Mimi aww, Beau is AMAZING! You're going to love the Vincent boys, Mimi ;-) I hope you get to meet them this summer!

    @Mandee TVB had been in my Kindle since forever too. I finally got to read it and I'm so glad :D it was fun! I'll probably read The Vincent Brothers too but not right away!

    @Rachel I know, right? Shirtless Beau xD and Yay for Vincent Brothers, I'll be reading that too! Can't wait :)

    @Maja Haha the book has all the magic elements ;) it's a total beach read! Hope you check it out someday, Maja!

    @Sophia ah, so sorry to hear Existence ruined it for you. I had a good experience with The Vincent Boys though! It was light and had pretty cute parts!

    @Preet Since you have a copy, you should check it out! It's not perfect but it's a quick and light read!

  14. Sometimes good, fun and easy are the perfect recipe for summer. I want to meet Beau. love the cover!

  15. Such a lovely review, Ajoop! Your review alone makes me smiling and dreaming of summer! This seems like a perfect summer read! <3 I think I'm going to love the summer, and oh my gosh: THE QUOTES!! Trying so hard not to faint right now. <3 Beau and Sawyer: perfect flawed boys! <3

    Definitely adding this to my summer read! x)


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