Saturday 2 June 2012

On BEA Buzz Books: Excerpts from over 30 Top Fall 2012 Titles

While I wish I could attend Book Expo America (BEA) someday, I was more than happy to be able to check out excerpts from some of the top Fall 2012 titles, thanks to BEA Buzz Books: Excerpts from over 30 Top Fall 2012 Titles from Publishers Lunch. Of course, I skimmed through most of the excerpts as I was mainly excited to read the excerpts of the Young Adult titles! I had a great time sampling books from almost every sub genre of YA available and even read a few excerpts of books that weren't YA.

I can hardly wait to read these books. They sound so good! It's also great that at the end of each excerpt, there's a NetGalley link to request the book as well as other publicity details.

Kelly @ The Written World's really fun list of most awaited releases featured in BEA Buzz Books (which you can check out HERE) also inspired me to create my own list of the books whose release I'll be eagerly anticipating this fall!☺Here's my list of seven books I'm most excited about:

Every Day by David Levithan

I've been waiting for the release of Every Day ever since I saw the cover and synopsis because:

  • It's by David Levithan whose books are awesome!! 
  • The premise sounds out-of-this-world intriguing and amazing!! 

The excerpt only made me want to read Every Day even more! A, who wakes up everyday in a different person's body wakes up as Justin and on meeting Justin's girlfriend Rhiannon, he is instantly drawn to her and ends up breaking a dozen rules he usually follows while spending each day as a different person. I was left with so many questions at the end of the excerpt and was totally hooked on to the story. I'll definitely be picking this one up when it releases!

Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Mathew Dicks

This book is narrated by eight-year old Max's imaginary friend Budo. Budo has been Max's imaginary friend for nearly five years which is longer than most imaginary friends last. Budo's voice was so refreshing and the four chapters available for reading were amazing. I was easily sucked in and while this may not fall under YA, it's something I want to read! The summary says it's an enchanting novel "in the vein of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time" by Mark Haddon which I loved.

Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

Three very different girls who want the same thing: sweet, sweet revenge. And they won't stop until they each had a taste. [italicised part taken from Goodreads] Oooh. I was sucked in immediately! The story is told in three perspectives, the perspectives of Mary, Lillia and Kat and takes place on an island called Jar Island. I'm guessing the three of them are about to get scorned big time leading to the three girls getting together for revenge on a large scale. It'll be interesting to see how this happens as the three girls are very different! I loved the pace and flow of the parts I read, so I'll be waiting to read this one!

Origin by Jessica Khoury

In the summary, Origin is said to be "the awakening romance of Matched with the mystery and jungle conspiracy of Lost." I loved Matched and Lost (minus the ending) so I am excited about Origin. Honestly, the excerpt didn't do much for me but it did introduce me to the characters, who were different and had my interest. Also, the plot sounds really interesting (especially with the main character growing up in a secret laboratory) and I love the jungle setting!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Despite seeing this title all over the blogosphere, I was at first very 'meh' about it. The title was intriguing but just not my kind of intriguing and I never tried to read the summary. I'm so glad I read the excerpt! It sounds so good and I fell in love with nearly all of the characters. Calaena sounds like a really strong and interesting character and I hope we see more of Captain Westfall and the Prince!! I was hooked and wished I could read the rest immediately!

The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini

This is the story of a fifteen year old, Perry, who's obsessed with a fantasy Dungeons and Dragons-type role-playing game called Creatures & Caverns. He's shipped off to summer camp where he encounters a host of new otherworldly friends and his gaming skills might just help him embark on a quest with them!

I'm far from the Dungeons and Dragons-type fantasy role play gaming person but this book still sounds so good! The first chapter alone was really great. The conversation between Perry and his brother in the subway was hilarious and I love that this is a very unique coming of age story! Doesn't the cover remind you of the wizard chess scene at the last part of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone? ;-)

The Diviners by Libba Bray

Because I love Libba Bray! Her Gemma Doyle trilogy was fabulous and I liked what I'd got to read of The Diviners. Evie O'Neill sounds like a fascinating main character, especially since her supernatural ability is pretty amazing. It's been a while since I've read a murder mystery and since The Diviners centers around one, I cannot wait to read it!

The list of YA titles in BEA Buzz Books:
  • Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (Bloomsbury Children's)
  • Every Day by David Levithan (Knopf Children's)
  • Origin by Jessica Khoury (Penguin Kids)
  • Burn For Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian (Simon & Schuster Children)
  • The Diviners by Libba Bray (Little Brown Young Readers)
  • Tap Out by Eric Devine (Running Press Teen)
  • The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children's)
  • The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini (HarperTeen)
  • Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler (Sourcebooks Fire)
Publication date: 18th May, 2012
Publisher: Publishers Lunch
Source: NetGalley 

Which of the Fall 2012 titles are you most excited about? Let me know in the comments section x)


  1. ooh..i have this BEA book and I too have been waiting for Every Day..i did a WOW on it. I have Throne of Glass..but i have it scheduled to read closer to the release date..LOL

  2. I've been avoiding this because I'm sure it'll just frustrate me I can't get my hands on some of the books yet! :D I'm glad to hear your thoughts on The Diviners and The Other Normals. I haven't heard much about those two books but both sound interesting! :)

  3. I hope you get your heads on some of these books and enjoy them! We have some in common and some I do think sound good, but not as good as others... I am looking forward to the fall season!

  4. I really wish I was going to BEA! there will be some seriously amazing authors and books! I'm also excited about Throne of Glass, Burn for Burn and Every Day! Fab post Ajoop, it just made me realise theres so many books I still need to add to my tbr! :)

  5. I'm mostly excited for Throne of Glass ! :) It sounds really fabulous. I think I requested it off NG, but got rejected. :(
    I don't mind though, since I really want a hard copy of the book. The cover is so gorgeous ! :)
    Burn for Burn sounds interesting too ! :)
    Great post, Pooja ! :D

  6. I am so excited about David Levithan's new book, and I just read Sam's fabulous review of Throne of Glass which made me want to read it as soon as I get a chance. The Diviners also sounds pretty cool and I'd never even noticed before!
    Lovely post!

  7. All this talk of BEA is making me so sad that I can't be there! Is it too late for me to jump on a plane to New York from Canada just so I can meet all of those awesome authors and see all of those awesome books? :') But I'm so excited to read David Levithan's new book and Throne of Glass the most! They both sound so good, and I had no idea that the excerpt is up for Every Day -- I'm heading over to read it now! ;)

    Want to carpool to BEA with me tomorrow, Ajoop? :') <3

  8. @kimba So amazing that you have Throne of Glass. I can't wait to read it!

    @Sam Haha, yeah, I didn't know much about The Diviners and The Other Normals either till I read the excerpts xD

    @Kailana I am definitely looking forward to fall season as well!!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, Kelly :)

    @Jasprit I know, I'd LOVE to go to BEA too. I cannot wait for Every Day, it sounds fab!

    @Nick I didn't even bother requesting it on NG. I had a feeling I'd get rejected anyway! I can't wait to read Throne of Glass and as you said, I'd probably buy it anyway :D

    @Heidi I know, I want to read Every Day so badly!

    @Maja I know, Sam's review of Throne of Glass was fantabulous. Made me want to read the book thrice as much. And yes, Every Day!!!<3

    @Mimi Aww, Mimi we shall carpool. Or private-jet-pool, rather since I'm continents away! I want to go to BEA too. Agh, someday :-)


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