Tuesday 12 June 2012

TMST#6: On my favourite TV shows!

Tell Me Something Tuesday is an awesome meme hosted by Cambria Hebert!

This week's question:

Let's talk TV! What are your favourite shows?

It's so great to do a Tell Me Something Tuesday post after so long! I love TV. And I actually prefer TV shows to movies as my attention span is such that I'd rather watch a string of 30-40 minute episodes than a two and a half hour movie. While the list of my favourite TV shows is endless, I figured I would narrow it down to three four five of my absolute favourites.

The OC. The theme song by Phantom Planet is fabulous. And hello, Seth Cohen. ❤

Modern Family. I LOVE THE CHARACTERS TO BITS. Gloria, Luke and Phil are my favourites. Mockumentaries ftw.

Veronica Mars. Hello smart, real, fun, funny and plain awesome TV show. Kristin Bell was brilliant in this. I loved the plots and the characters and almost everything about this show.

Glee. Again, I love the characters. They are so much fun and so real. I love that Rachel, Finn, Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, Artie, Kurt, Sam, Tina, Puck and the rest of the Glee Club couldn't be more different but together they are a part of something amazing. I can spend the whole day listening to their covers that are even better than the original.

My So-Called Life. Why do we have only nineteen episodes of this fabulous show? I cannot believe it was cancelled so early. Angela was someone I could relate to and I loved that My So-Called Life was about underrated but real issues. It captured the teen years so brilliantly and beautifully.

What are your fave TV shows? x)


  1. From all the shows you've listed I've only watched The OC and Veronica Mars, and even though I am not a huge fan of the OC I simply adore Veronica Mars, every thing about it was brilliant.

  2. I have heard of all these, but I'm afraid I haven't seen them... (I know, where have I been?! Hahaha!)
    I love movies, but with time being limited and with being absolutely shattered at the end of the day; TV is soooo much easier...

    Happy TMST!

    PS: Newbie follower

  3. LOL isn't it so hard to narrow down your favourite TV shows to three four FIVE? x) I couldn't do it! (Then again, I'm pretty sure that speaks volumes about how much TV I watch haha...) But anyways, I love Glee too! I was only able to catch a few episodes this season, but the season finale broke my heart. Just when I thought it would end happily, it didn't! :( And I seriously need to start watching Veronica Mars because I love mystery and everyone seems to be recommending it to me! :P

    Awesome list of awesome shows, Ajoop! <3 The only thing I'm kicking you for not watching is The Vampire Diaries. Best. Show. EVER! ;)

  4. Wow, I totally forgot about My So Called Life! I used to watch that too. :) Great picks here. I never did watch the OC but have heard such good things. I should hunt the show down and watch it all.
    :-) Thanks for joining in TMST!

  5. Cool post but I've never watched any of those

  6. I watched The O.C too ! :) I really did enjoy it.
    I still haven't gotten around to watching Modern Family yet, but with all the hype that's surrounding that show, it's got to be epic.
    I'm not a huge fan of Glee though. Too much singing and dancing for my liking. :P

    You don't watch The Big Bang Theory ?
    That is an absolute crime ! :P

  7. Veronica Mars was one of the best shows ever! I also love Gilmore Girls and Parenthood :)

  8. Omg I love Glee too, another channel took season 3 over here, so I completely missed it! I'll have to catch up soon! Btw I love Blaine! I also love watching The Mentalist, season 4 just finished last week and it ended on a cliffhanger as usual so we have to wait a whole year for season 5! I've also just recently got into Supernatural I just finished season 2 the other day! :)

  9. Glee!! OMG, Ajoop, I LOVE that series! I really like how different the characters, but they are still friend nonetheless! x) And I'm agree with you, the songs they cover are sometimes better than the original versions LOL! xD I really like The OC too - ah, you make me want to re-watch my DVD! x)

    Amazing post as ALWAYS, Ajoop! Love your picks! <3

  10. Gosh, Ajoop, I barely watch TV anymore with all the books I read! However, I absolutely LOVED Veronica Mars and My So Called Life!! Amazing! Jared Leto will always be my Jordan! :)

  11. My absolute favorite shows are Charmed and Big Bang Theory.


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