Sunday 3 June 2012

Sunday Post #5

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!
~ Inspired by the meme In My Mailbox.~
It's a chance to share news.
A post to recap the past week,
showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I've had a pretty great week and that makes me sure I don't want the summer to end! I'll definitely be stocking up on summer reads to make it last as long as it can!☺

My week in review

Review: Charlinder's Walk by Alyson Miers (Novel Publicity Blog Tour stop)

Review: The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

On BEA Buzz Books: Excerpts from over 30 Top Fall 2012 Titles

I am currently reading

I'm nearly done with The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry. I cannot wait to post my review! I thoroughly enjoyed almost every aspect of this book!

I have also started reading Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown. Definitely excited to get started on this mermaid book, especially since these are dangerous mermaids that prey on humans!

And here's my book haul for the week


Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery * Hourglass by Myra McEntire 

If you visit my blog regularly, you probably know how much I love Anne of Green Gables! Other than reading two other L. M Montgomery books out of sequence, I never got to read as much of the Anne series as I would've liked to! Which is why when I found Anne of Avonlea on sale at my favourite bookstore, I picked it up without thinking twice! I am beyond excited to be able to meet Anne and Gilbert Blythe after such a long gap! And don't you love the cover? It's so me! I'm so glad I got this exact edition!

It also looks like everybody got Hourglass this week! I hope it's as great as it sounds! I have Timepiece waiting to be read right after... so I hope I like this series! It definitely sounds amazing since it's about time travel!

For review

Fall For You (The Jane Austen Academy Series #1) by Cecilia Gray

Fall For You is another book I've been wanting to read for a while! I'm very excited to read this Pride and Prejudice retelling! I got this for a blog tour organised by AToMR book tours. I also loved the series trailer! Be sure to check it out HERE

Speaking of Pride and Prejudice retellings, I have been addicted to The Lizzie Bennet Diaries ever since Alison @ Alison Can Read mentioned it in her Bookish Recap a week back!! It's an insanely cute vlog series created by John Green's brother, Hank Green and is definitely made of awesome. I just have to spread the love! x)

What are you currently reading? And what books did you get this week?


  1. Awesome week, I look forward to your thoughts on the Peculiars and Fall for you. I love summer too.. everything kind of slows down. Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  2. Lies Beneath is something I'm dying to read! Great haul.

    Here is my BB&B for anyone else who is intersted.
    Lauren at Northern Plunder

  3. I love Anne of Green Gables! I've read most of them but I've been having a hard time finding Anne's House of Dreams.

    As I side note: I, too, have been patiently waiting for my letter to Hogwarts. I'm beginning to fear that I'm a squib.

    You have a great blog. I'm a new follower. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post!

    Jessica @ Tales Between the Pages

  4. Ooh I just read a great review of Lies Beneath so I can't wait to read it. :) Hooray for P&P retellings, I'm always a sucker for them. I haven't watched the Lizzie Bennet diaries yet but I do admit to scouring to see if Darcy made an appearance yet. Unfortunately not.

  5. Sounds like you had awesome week. I didn't really enjoy Anne of Green Gables, I have to admit, but I'm glad you did...and that cover really is TOO cute.

    and oooh evil mermaids?! I'm curious to see what you think of that one!


  6. Oh, I hope you enjoy Lies Beneath! I read it back in February or March, and it was amazing, can't wait for the sequel :) And Hourglass, that was a great book, just read Timepeice, they were both excellent :) Go netgalley :) Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  7. I don't know if I can read another book with murderous mermaids - I hope you love Lies Beneath!

    I feel horrible, I've never read Anne of Green Gables. I take it I've missed out on something vital?

    Barbara @ Basia's Bookshelf

    (I just Linky-followed you)

  8. You are totally the first person who's mentioned that The Peculiars is a great read. I've seen so many negative reviews around it that I didn't bother buying a copy. I'm going to wait for your review to see if I should buy it !
    I haven't read Hourglass yet, but it sounds amazing from what I've heard. :)
    Fall For You sounds like a really cute read. BTW I actually watched the Lizzie Bennett diaries and it's so cute ! I have to watch the other episodes ! Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy reading, Pooja ! :D

  9. I have Lies beneath waiting for me, so I'm looking forward to see your review ^^ I'll get started soon, because it looks amazing :D

    Happy reading!

  10. I adooooooooooooored your review of The Vincent Boys! I've been looking for a copy for FOREVER and I can't wait to be able to read that super-sweet book! :) Plus, I've heard a bunch of people tell me that Lies Beneath is a really awesome read, so I guess that speaks volumes, right? Must get my hands on that book ASAP -- can't wait to read your review too!

    Awesome Sunday post this week, Ajoop! Have an amazing reading week! :) <3

  11. Fall for You sounds really sweet, I'm going to add it to my to-read list - thanks!

  12. Ooh I can't wait to see what you think of The Peculiars! I loved the cover.


  13. I SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK MAJORLY :( Wow, it looks like I've missed a TON of awesome stuff so sorry about that!

    I can't wait to hear what you think about Lies Beneath - I'm definitely interested in that one because um, MERMAIDS. What more prompting do I need?!

    Is it really horrible that I have never read Anne of Green Gables? I mean, I'm CANADIAN. Is it worth the read even though I think most people read it when they're younger? Not that I care too much about that but I do want to, y'know, enjoy them...

    And eeeee, I really liked Hourglass! :) I can't wait for Timepiece either. Hope you enjoy it!


    Hope you have a fantastic week, Ajoop!


  14. Hi Ajoop! What an awesome post. I just finished Lies Beneath and was pleasantly surprised. I love your picks! The trailer for Fall For You was amazing. It looked like a movie series trailer. I loved Pride and Prejudice and re-tellings so I definitely want to read that. I loved your review for The Vincent Boys and the next one, The Vincent Brothers comes out on Tuesday. I'm so excited. The Lizzie Bennett Diaries is awesome! I had no idea these where out there. I just subscribed to the vlog. What an amazing week for you Ajoop. :)

  15. So jealous you got Lies Beneath and Hourglass, they both look AMAZING and I definitely need to get my hands on them soon, considering all the good reviews they've got :D Fall for You sounds like such a fun read too! I hope you enjoy all your books this week, Ajoop <3

  16. I'm glad to hear to liked The Peculiars too! I very much enjoyed it, but I know a lot of people were disappointed. Enjoy your new books (:

  17. Awesome haul this week Ajoop! I also got Fall For you and I can't wait to read it! Also I've had Hourglass for ages! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! I've also heard a lot about The Lizzie Bennet diaries I really need to check it out! :)

  18. I love the Anne books! They are so charming and lovely. I really need to read Lies Beneath. I have heard it's great. Looking forward to your review!

  19. I LOVE The Lizzie Bennet diaries! x) It's very cute and funny, and I love YOU for posting it, Ajoop! In my opinion, everyone needs to know about the awesomeness of Pride and Prejudice! x)

    YAY for Anne of Avonlea! I just know that you're going to enjoy it very much, Ajoop! <3 Aaah, Anne! Such a stubborn character yet somehow lovable LOL! x) Fall For You and Hourglass seem amazing too! :)

    Happy reading, Ajoop! :)


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