Tuesday 17 April 2012

$100 Amazon Gift Code giveaway #TeamAbnegation

I haven't been able to post as frequently thanks to The Exams. I have been sort-of lurking on several blogs but I really need to catch up on commenting and reviews! I will return to my usual posting schedule after the 21st, which is when I'm done with exams! Till then, here's an AWESOME Amazon Gift Code giveaway organised by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and hosted by a number of bloggers to promote the release of Insurgent and support Team Abnegation! x)

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

If you have never heard of the Divergent series... you are missing out!

Learn more about the series by going to the publisher's website.

This $100 Amazon Gift Code Giveaway is organised by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and is brought to you by a large group of bloggers who are showing their support for the Divergent Series.

This giveaway is open to anyone 18 or older who can legally receive and use an Amazon Gift Card Code. The Rafflecopter accepts entries from 12:01 AM on April 18th to 11:59 PM on April 30th.

Enter daily to better your chances of winning.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awww, boooo to exam times! x) I had to take a break from blogging for my first semester exams too, so I definitely understand! Just study hard and make sure to take breaks or you'll go crazy -- we'll all still be around on the 21st for you! :) <3 And it makes me smile that you chose Team Abnegation! I'm pretty sure that I'm Amity because I like peacefulness and it's also on the cover of Insurgent, right? :D

    Either way, we can be different faction buddies who share stories, Ajoop! It will be fun! x)

  2. Even me too staying away from blogging due to work pressure. Some extra responsibilities in the new financial year. Saddest thing is that my reading schedule has taken a severe beating...

  3. Oh, you're an Abnegation! I still haven't picked a faction yet - I'm too torn up to choose LOL! Good luck with your exam, Ajoop! I'm still in the middle of exams too. Bummer, I can't post as often as I'd love to! x( Good luck with your exams, Ajoop! I know you'll do great! <3 Don't worry about commenting on other blogs - you got me on this problem too LOL! xD

  4. Hi! You guys are all SO awesome! Thanks so much for wishing me luck :D

    @Mimi It was either Abnegation or Erudite for me. I like the idea of Candor and would probably really like people from that faction but I don't think I'd get through the initiation- I'm too diplomatic sometimes. I finally picked Abnegation, though xD Amity is cool too! It looks like there is going to be so much more of Amity in Insurgent- can't wait to read it xx we can totally be different-faction buddies, haha! xD

    @Harish I'll be waiting for your posts! I loove your posts and hope you get back to blogging soon :] Totally understand how hard it is to blog while having so many other things to do as well, though! Good luck with everything!

    @Heidi Awww, thanks Heidi! I'm back, almost. Need to get posting, soon! I have a whole list of reviews due this month! I'm glad I'm back. I missed you guys too :)

    @emaginette :)

    @Hilda HAHA. Thanks SO much, Hilda! Hope your exams are going great! Gonna get posting soon! As soon as I'm done with the little things I thought I'd get done post-exams. It's so great to be back x)

  5. Exams seriously suck! But hopefully, you'll ace 'em! ;) Good luck, Ajoop! And wow. What a crazy giveaway. :o Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks so much, Sophia! :D I'm finally done with them! And haha, go Team Abnegation! x)

  7. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS, Ajoop! I'm sure you'll do well! ;) And what an awesome giveaway! I am so excited for the release date of Insurgent! I finished the book last week and boy, it was EPIC! ♥

  8. Thank you SO much, Celine :) I'm finally done with my exams! (It got over yesterday). I cannot wait to read Insurgent! I'm so glad you loved it. Makes me feel like it's going to live up to the hype! CANNOT WAIT! Hope May 1st comes fast xD


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