Sunday 22 April 2012

Review: Switched by Amanda Hocking

from goodreads
When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother might have been right. She’s not the person she’s always believed herself to be, and her whole life begins to unravel—all because of Finn Holmes.

Finn is a mysterious guy who always seems to be watching her. Every encounter leaves her deeply shaken…though it has more to do with her fierce attraction to him than she’d ever admit. But it isn’t long before he reveals the truth: Wendy is a changeling who was switched at birth—and he’s come to take her home. 
Now Wendy’s about to journey to a magical world she never knew existed, one that’s both beautiful and frightening. And where she must leave her old life behind to discover who she’s meant to become…

Okay, I must admit that the story is a bit of a blur to me now. I read Switched a few weeks back. But my feelings about this book haven't changed! It feels as awesome as ever and I'm still waiting to get my hands on Torn! Apart from the great reviews Switched received, it was the cover that really grabbed my attention! I loved the pretty orange butterflies against the black-and-white background! The US edition has a brilliant cover as well. Not the kind of cover that's easy to tear my eyes away from!

And it didn't take long for me to know I was going to enjoy reading Switched! Reading the prologue was enough to keep me hooked! It was so intense and in a way, so over-the-top in a good way! Let's just say it involved chocolate cake, a murderous mother and a bratty kid. Wendy (the protagonist and once-bratty kid) didn't make the best first impression- she seemed like trouble in a not-so-flattering way- but I got to like and respect her over the course of the book. I feel like I'm still getting acquainted with her and cannot wait to read more about her in Torn!

I'm new to the concept of changelings. I haven't read or watched as many books or movies on it and so it was great to finally read something on it! But instead of going in the faery path, Switched is all about the trolls! Yes, you heard me right! It's such a well-thought out and unique premise... especially since Switched doesn't have the trolls you usually read about. The trolls in Switched are called Trylle. They have hard-to-tame hair, are extremely intelligent and live in isolation from humans. This isn't another book where another mythical creature is simply prettified for YA. I loved the lore Hocking gave us about Trylle!

I also enjoyed getting to know Finn, who quickly assumes the role of Wendy's protector! He has some difficult decisions to make but there was no doubt about how serious Wendy is about him. I was  intrigued by Queen Ellora, Wendy's birth mother. She's so cold and I kept hoping there was more to her demeanour. Rhys was another character that really made an impact on me! His childhood was complicated by things out of his control and I can't help wondering what's in store for him after Switched! These characters were as compelling as the plot, which is so great because a good series needs that for me to keep reading!

I heard it gets even better in Torn, book two of this series! I cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel; which I think says enough about how satisfying a read Switched was! You'll most probably finish reading it in one sitting like I did!

Publication date: 5th January, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Source: Bought
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


  1. Oh, if the book can still grab your mind even after you finished reading it few weeks ago, the it must be a great book! :) I can't wait to slip inside the Changeling world! I'm still new in this concept too, so I'm eager to find out what Amanda Hocking brings to us! I love it that she doesn't prettify the creatures for YA! x)

    Awesome review, Ajoop! Your review just convince me to read this book soon! <3

  2. I really enjoyed Switched but I enjoyed Torn even more. I think the books in the series keep getting better. I've read reviews saying that Ascend is even better than Torn so I'm really excited to read it!

    Awesome review, Ajoop! Can't wait for your review of Torn! ♥

  3. I read this book a couple of months ago and I couldn't finish it. The main character's bratty attitude annoyed me so much that I just couldn't finish it.
    I feel like I'm the only one who didn't like it. I might need to go read it again and this time try to get past the main character's personality !
    Thanks for the great review, Pooja :D

  4. Hey!
    Thank you for this review, I am adding this book to my "to-read" list for sure!
    I found you through the master list on the making connections group on goodreads and am now following you! Hope you will follow back/check out my blog if you like it!

  5. I felt the exact same way about this book! (Same rating and everything -- that's how you know we both have awesome taste in books! <3) As soon as I heard that this book was about changelings, I automatically though "faeries" too, so I was just as surprised as you when it was about trolls instead! :) And these trolls were AWESOME -- especially Finn! Although as soon as you read Torn, you have to let me know because there's a new boy who shows up that I completely LOVE! ;)

    Amazing review, Ajoop! <3 :)

  6. @Hilda Aww, I hope you read this soon, Hilda! It's awesome. Makes me want to grab Torn asap!

    @Celine Thanks, Celine! Now I'm super psyched for Torn AND Ascend! Can't wait to read it. Maybe after I'm done with the May releases. It's so great that it gets better with each book! That rarely happens!

    @Nick Oh no. Did you get to the middle or not get past the prologue? It does get better! Though Wendy's brattiness was a little annoying in the beginning!

    @Heidi Wow, that's so awesome! I wish I'd discovered it when it was .99$! I hope you read it soon, Heidi! It's so worth how hyped it's been as of late :) And it does feel great that I'm done with exams :D

    @Amanda Hey Amanda! It's so great to meet you! I love your blog. Following you back. Hope you read Switched soon :)

    @Mimi Haha that we do <3 I LOVE these trolls. And I agree, Finn is so awesome! I cannot WAIT to meet this new boy, Mimi. Now you have me even more psyched to read Torn! How do you do it? <3


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