Sunday 29 April 2012

Sunday Post #1

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer!
~ Inspired by the meme In My Mailbox.~
It's a chance to share news.
A post to recap the past week,
showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

 (Sounds fabulous ♥)

The Sunday Post is my alternative to IMM. I think we've all been given a recap as to what happened by now. Anyway, this sounds like a really fun meme where we get to share everything about our week in blogging! It was so great to get back to book blogging for real after half a month of exams. There is nothing awesomer than having a pile of books to choose from after weeks of being forced to put them aside to study instead!

My week in review

I am currently reading

As blinding as Chloe's enthusiasm is, I just want to give her a big hug! She is adorable!

This has been in my Kindle for pretty long. I finally decided to read it and I think I'm falling for Beau Vincent, the badass Vincent boy! And so is Ashton, bahaha!

Just got started on this one. I feel sorry for Luke! I've heard great things about this book, so expecting awesomeness!

And here's my book haul for the week

From NetGalley

Glitch by Heather Anastasiu * Timepiece (Hourglass, #2) by Mira McEntire * Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein* The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland

A big thank you to St. Martin's Griffin, Egmont USA, Disney Hyperion and Penguin Publishing for these awesome books- especially since most of them didn't even have to be requested! I ♥ NetGalley!


Storm by Brigid Kemmerer * The Selection by Kiera Cass * Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris * Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I can't even pick which book I'm more excited about reading! They are all so fabulous, original and sound so unputdownable!

And don't forget to enter the giveaways going on in my blog (both end on the 30th of April)
That's all for this week! :o)

What are you currently reading? And what books did you get this week?


  1. I LOVE OBSIDIAN AND UNRAVELING!!! I hope you do too! :D I got Glitch and Timepiece too! (Glitch last week, though, I think). I haven't gotten around to them yet, though. I'm SO freaking behind because of finals. I'm curious about Storm, so I can't wait to see what you think about that one!

  2. had an awesome week. I am reviewing Intangible in May..and have heard good things. I love the cover of Timeglass and look forward to your thoughts on it. So glad to see your lovely face on The Sunday Post

  3. Holy WOW! So. Many. Awesome. Books!! x) I really need to get myself an e-reader so I can covet all of those awesome books that Netgalley is offering LOL. And I loved almost every single book that you bought too! Unraveling, Storm, Obsidian... All were books that I rated 5 out of 5 stars! :D And I have a copy of The Selection on its way to my house too (which I'm hoping is as awesome as it looks).

    Filled-to-the-brim amazing mailbox this week, Ajoop! I just can't wait to read all of your amazing reviews for these amazing books -- I wish I could read all of them for the first time like you! :') <3

    ALSO: I totally need to read the Vincent Boys! I heard it's about brothers, and that's really the only thing needed to convince me! ;)

  4. Glitch is something I'm dying to read/hear about.
    Thank you for stopping by, I've followed via GFC and linkyfollowers.

  5. I still have to read The Immortal Rules. Argh! Apprently I'm one of the few who didn't fall in love with Kagawa's writing in the Iron Fey series and now I have this ARC and it's looking at me with this accusing stare that ARCs tend to have if you leave them untouched. Argh! XD

    Patricia // My Week in Review

  6. Yay!! I'm reading Immortal Rules right now!! I'm so glad to hear you liked it!!!!

    Thx for hoppin' by to say "hi"!!

  7. Yeah ! You got some really awesome books this week ! I really hope you enjoy Unraveling. Doesn't it sound fab ?

    Happy reading ! :D

  8. Ajoop! So many awesome books! I'm so glad to have you here in Bloghospere - miss you so much, girl! <3 And look at all the awesome haul you manage to snag - I can see how you would have trouble picking what to read next! Ah, but the problem of the ever-growing TBR pile is one of the most amazing perk of being a book blogger, right? xD

    YAY for Welcome, Caller, This is Chloe! I can't wait to read your review on it, I hope you're going to love it too! x) I can't wait to read Storm, I heard only good things about it! Too bad I have to read Elemental first. :P Have an amazing week, Ajoop! :)

  9. Hey Ajoop, thanks so much for the comment on our blog, we're now following you!

    You got some fantastic books this week, I'm looking forward to starting Code Name Verity soon!


HI. Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment. :)